Nebraska White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of Nebraska. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from NebraskaNotable Work/Position
Gerald Ford38th President of the United States (1974 to 1977). Served as Vice President (1973 to 1974) under President Richard Nixon before Nixon’s resignation.
Dick CheneyFormer U.S. Secretary of Defense (1989 to 1993). Vice President under George W. Bush (2001 to 2009). Cited as the most powerful Vice President in U.S. history.
Warren BuffettAn American business magnate, investor, speaker, and philanthropist. As of 2019, he is the third wealthiest person in the world, and is considered one of the most successful investors in the world.
Malcolm XWas an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a popular figure during the civil rights movement.
Marlon BrandoWas an American actor and film director with a career spanning 60 years. Widely considered the greatest movie actor of all time.
Paul WilliamsAn American composer and singer-songwriter, known for writing and co-writing popular songs in the 1970s.
Nicholas SparksAn American romance novelist and screenwriter. Several novels have become international bestsellers, and eleven of his romantic-drama novels were adapted to films with multi-million dollar box office grosses.

Searching for Someone in Nebraska

Nebraska is the 37th most populated state in the U.S. with a total population of approximately 1.9 million residents with about 748,000 households. The average household size is 2.46 (based on 2018 census data). To refine your search for someone in Nebraska, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure that you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in Nebraska is white, making up 79.0% of the state’s population. The median age is 36.5 years with 50.1% of the total population female and 49.9% male. The most populated city in Nebraska is Omaha with 466,903 people.

Those persons under age 25 make up 34.3% of the population of Nebraska and people over 65 make up 17.6%. Nebraska experienced an approximately 0.68% increase in its population between 2016 and 2017, and has a workforce of almost 1 million. The median annual household income of Nebraska is $59,970 which grew 5.35% between 2016 and 2017. Eighty-nine percent of the cities in Nebraska have fewer than 3,000 people. In fact, hundreds of the cities have a population of fewer than 1,000. Fifty-three of Nebraska’s 93 counties reported declining populations between 1990 and 2000. However, more urbanized areas of the state have experienced substantial growth in recent years.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
University of NebraskaLincoln5,24968%64%Business
University of NebraskaOmaha3,49747%87%Criminal Justice
Bellevue UniversityBellevue3,40717%100%Business

Nebraska Real Estate

Use Addresses to find information on a home you’re interested in. Whether you’re planning on living at that address or intend to rent from the owner, you can find out more information about who your next door neighbors are or might become.

The median home values in Nebraska have experienced a 5.2% increase from 2016 to a median home value of $155,800 in 2017, with the median price per square foot at $101. The median rent price is $773, which is lower than the national average. The median listing price for homes statewide is $215,000 with the median price of homes that sold is $179,300.

The city in Nebraska with the highest median home value is Bennington with a median home value of $185,200 as of 2017.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income

Nebraska Facts

Official Name: Nebraska

Name Meaning: Name is derived from transliteration of the Omaha NiBthaska, meaning “flat water,” after the Platte River that flows through the state.

Nickname: Cornhusker State

Statehood: March 1, 1867 (37th State)

Capital: Lincoln

Total Number of Counties: 93

Largest City: Omaha

Largest County (by population): Douglas

Population (as of 2018): 1,929,268

History: In the 1860s, many of the Native American tribes were forced to cede their lands, and settle in reservations, thus opening large tracts of land to agricultural development by settlers. Thousands of European immigrants migrated into Nebraska to claim free land. Nebraska became the 37th state of the Union on March 1, 1867. Nebraska has a large agricultural sector, and is a major producer to beef, pork and corn. It is also home to a number of major corporations including freight transport, manufacturing, and more. Nebraska is ranked 16th in size of all states at 77,358 sq. miles, and is 210 miles in width and 430 miles in length.

Fast Facts:

  • The Spade Ranch, one of Nebraska’s oldest and largest beef cattle operations, is located in western Nebraska between the towns of Gordon and Ellsworth.
  • Union Pacific’s Bailey Yard, located in Nebraska, is the world’s largest train yard. Bailey Yard covers 2,850 acres, reaching a total length of 8 miles.
  • The state’s nickname “The Cornhusker’s State” comes from how corn, the state’s major vegetable, is harvested.
  • Nebraska observes two time zones, Central Time in the eastern half, and Mountain Time in the western half.
  • Kool-Aid, the powdered soft drink, was invented by Edwin E. Perkins, in Hastings, Nebraska, in 1927.
  • Boys Town, an orphanage for boys, was founded on December 12, 1917, by Father Edward Flanigan. The national headquarters is located in the Village of Boys Town. The village was incorporated in 1936, and was placed on the National Register of Historic Places as a National Historic Landmark on February 4, 1985.
  • Located in western Nebraska is a prominent geological rock formation, known a Chimney Rock. The formation served as an important landmark along the south side of the Oregon Trail, and the California Trail during the mid-19th century.

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