Alabama White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of Alabama. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from AlabamaNotable Work/Position
George C. WallaceFour-term Governor of Alabama and four-time presidential candidate. Sought the presidency as a Democrat 3 times and once as an American Independent Party candidate.
Condoleezza RiceFormer U.S. Secretary of State under the administration of President George W. Bush.
Helen KellerAn American author and lecturer. The first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor’s degree.
Rosa ParksAn American Civil Rights Activist best known for her role in the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott.
Jesse OwensAn American track and field athlete, and 4-time gold medalist in the 1936 Olympic games.
Charles BarkleyA retired Hall of Fame basketball player, and sports analyst. Named one of the 50 greatest players in NBA history.
Lionel RitchieAn American singer-songwriter, actor and record producer.

Searching for Someone in Alabama

Alabama is the 24th most populated state in the U.S. with a total population of approximately 4.9 million residents and 1.8 million households. The average household size is 2.55 (based on 2018 census data). To refine your search for someone in Alabama, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure that you’re on the right track

The predominant race in Alabama is white, making up 65.5% of the state’s population. The median age is 38.9 years with 51.6% of the total population female and 48.4% male. The most populated city in Tennessee is Birmingham with 209,880 people.

Those persons under age 25 make up 32.1% of the population of Alabama and people over 65 make up almost 16.5%. Alabama experienced an approximately 0.23% increase in its population between 2016 and 2017, and has a workforce of 1.97 million. The median annual household income of Alabama is $48,123 which grew 4.03% between 2016 and 2017. Alabama colleges and universities offer degree programs from two-year associate degrees to a multitude of doctoral level programs.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
University of AlabamaTuscaloosa9,08866%53%Business
Columbia Southern UniversityOrange Beach7,42447%N/ABusiness
Auburn UniversityAuburn6,42171%81%Biomedical Sciences

Alabama Real Estate

Use Addresses to find information on a home you’re interested in. Whether you’re planning on living at that address or intend to rent from the owner, you can find out more information about who your next door neighbors are or might become.

The median home values in Alabama have experienced a 3.74% increase from 2016 to a median home value of $141,300 in 2017, with the median price per square foot at $66. The median rent price is $747, which is lower than the national average. The median listing price for homes statewide is $219,900 while the median price of homes that sold is $154,600.

The city in Alabama with the highest median home value is Hoover with a median home value of $271,600 as of 2017.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income

Alabama Facts

Official Name: Alabama

Name Meaning: Name comes from the Choctow word alba meaning “plants” and amo meaning “to cut” and together it means “clearers of the thicket.”

Nickname: Cotton State or Heart of Dixie

Statehood: December 14, 1819 (22nd State)

Capital: Montgomery

Total Number of Counties: 67

Largest City: Birmingham

Largest County (by population): Jefferson

Population (as of 2018): 4,887,871

History: The first Europeans to reach Alabama in the 16th century were from Spain. More than 160 years later, the French founded the region’s first European settlement. After the U.S. won the American Revolutionary War, the territory was divided between the U.S. and Spain. On March 3, 1817, the U.S. Congress created the Alabama Territory. Alabama became the 22nd state on December 14, 1819. Prior to World War II, Alabama’s economy was based primarily on agriculture. Since the 1990s, Alabama has expanded its automotive manufacturing industry, generating many new jobs in the state. Alabama is the 24th largest state in population and is ranked 30th in size at 52,419 sq. miles. The state is 190 miles in width and 330 miles in length.

Fast Facts:

  • An estimated 20 million tourists visit Alabama each year, many from other countries, visiting the city of Huntsville, the beaches along the Gulf of Mexico, the state’s capitol, and other locations.
  • Alabama is an alcoholic beverage control state, whereby the state controls the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
  • The Alabama Department of Archives is the oldest state-funded archival agency in the U.S.
  • The world’s first Electric Trolley System was introduced in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1886.
  • Alabama is the largest supplier of cast iron and steel pipe products in the nation.
  • Russell Cave, located near the town of Bridgeport, Alabama, is a significant archaeological site that provides a record of thousands of years of human use from 10,000 BC to 1650 AD.
  • The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, located in Huntsville, Alabama, is the largest NASA center in the U.S. The center is responsible for developing the Saturn launch vehicles for the Apollo Moon program including Space Shuttle components, International Space Station design and assembly, and other related equipment.

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