Rosanna J Urena

👤 Age: 54
🏠 100 New Rd, Somers Point, NJ 08244-2228

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100 New Rd, Somers Point, NJ 08244-2228 Get a Detailed Property Report

Rosanna J Urena's Summary

Rosanna J Urena is a female in her fifties. Her birthdate is September 1, 1969, making her 54. Rosanna J Urena currently lives at 100 New Rd, Somers Point, NJ 08244-2228. Others who have lived at or next to 100 New Rd, Somers Point, NJ 08244-2228 include: Alphonso Aikens, Joyce Wah, Jennifer M Gately, Lisa Mangione, Rusty Peposhi, and Hadith Abdullah.

Persons With Same Name

How to Find Rosanna J Urena

There are over 328 million people in the United States and you’ll need a combination of 2 names to get close. What makes this more difficult is many people change their name, either when they get married, when they get divorced, for self-branding or simply because they can. Moreover, many go by their middle name or nickname personally and professionally, making a search for Trip, more fruitful if you search for William. What’s more, it’s not uncommon for alternate data sources to be enter in misspellings or alternate spellings.

Name Variations

Full Name Persons Count Share
Rosanna Quezada 4 25%
Rosanna Noriega 2 25%
Rosana Quezada 3 12.5%
Rosanna Mercedes 2 12.5%

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100 New Rd Somers Point, Nj 08244

Alphonso Aikens, Joyce Wah, Jennifer M Gately, Lisa Mangione, Rusty Peposhi, Hadith Abdullah, Jose Fina Tejeras, Theresa Jordan, Steven M Stadler, Patricia Gramlich, Lydia C Vidu, Nancy L Griffiths, Jose Rondon, Alison M Brooks, Frank B Taylor, Gary Holden, Maggie Jackson, Cleveland Cook, Charlie P Marciana, Mayah Samuels, A Weathers, Blake Johnson, Shannon Devine, Patrick Mccusker, Jose Martinez, Mickey Echevarria, Diane Cangro, Jacquelin Quinones, Torres Theresa Saravia, Geraldine A Watkins, Siah Freeman, Kenneth D Britman, Aurora Jakubaitis, Leona K Lee, Lynette M Dixon, Festus Chidi, Jokeisha Jackson, Cindy A Bussey, Meriom Taylor, Alexander Watson, Joan F Green, D Dang, Kathryn Middlesworth, Rose Otero, Carlos Alberto Castro, Lorraine Mitchell, Gloria S Parsons, Brondon Smith, John Pettus, Ralph Casale, Ardell Fears, Amoro Christine, Gregory Bernadel, Vivian Uche, Cupertino Hernandez, Patrice Harris, Joseph Beard, Charles Schorr, K Jones, Thomas L Oglesby, Nhu Tran, Monserrate Dejesus, Kelvin Bolding, Darrell Morgan, Norma Powell, George T Daviso, Saira Sajjad, Ronette Porte, John F Ramirez, D Titus, Jennifer Glaze, Menya Williams, Emily Martire, Robyn Kelly, Maria Podsadecka, Darl Washington, Felix Cardoso, Jadon C Mitchell, B Grove, Caroline E Gallagher, Fredrick Moore, William Summers, Rafaela Jean Gutini, Michael Fuqua, Sandy Patino, Carol L William, Riyana Quashie Idun, Jennifer K Gerety, Elizabeth C Powell, Ines Rodriguez, Audrey J Horsey, Lyudmil Genov, Alisa Terrell, Richard Stewart, Efrain Gonzalez, Marie Antoine, Patrice D Bocchicchio, Florencio Ortiz, Saba Abdulhakim, Claude E Robinson, Jose Morales, Anthony Palmieri, Banegas Carlos Castro, Maria Wisniewski, Reggie Bernadel, Dasiey Valentin, Stephany Rodriguez, Ronnie D Drinks, Rudolph Tucker, Jamie Spence, Ansar M Abdullah, Jane C Hildebrandt, Ismael Rodriquez, Reynaldo A Cardoso, George Mcgonigle, Phaon H Stinson, Anthony Q Johnson, Kim Krowitz, Beatrice A Cunningham, Heather Guillette, Morales Bruna Planey, T Dewitt, Natalie Latouche, Rameses K Abdullah

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